Amplify 2.0 - Expressions of Interest 
Following the success of our Amplify our Sector project, we are pleased to announce Amplify 2.0! 

An EOI process will be utilised to select 12 NSW-based organisations to participate in the project and take a deep dive into DEX reports to unpack stories of social impact. 

Successful organisations will receive:

  1. Monthly coaching and development sessions with Fams and For-Purpose Evaluations. 
  2. Linked to an Amplify Ambassador who will provide mentoring throughout the project

Project parameter

Project includes sessions with organisations from the sector to:

1.      Identify key data stories
2.      Create infographic tools and templates
3.      Develop an impact strategy
4.      Attend and create a presentation of our work together 


To undertake this deep dive, we will be looking for organisations who enter the following into the DEX portal:

1.      Minimum Data Set requirements (SLK demographic, name, dob, background for identified or de-identified clients) 
2.      Paired SCORE data 
3.      Internal and external referrals
4.      Permission to share DEX data with Fams for this project and research purposes.

Project Timeline

24/10/24:           EOI open
15/11/24:           EOI closes
18/11/24:           Organisations notified
29/11/24:           Project commences 
30/08/25:           Amplify 2.0 launch
We look forward to seeing organisations across the sector express interest in this project, and we particularly encourage the following to apply: 

  • Multiple Service Types
  • Remote/Rural
  • ACCO’s
  • Multicultural
Amplify our Sector 2.0 Application 
What is your position title?
Department of Communities & Justice District location
Organisation type (select all that apply):
Program activity your service receives funding for (select all that apply):
Eligibility status confirmation:
1. Our organisation has entered Minimum data set requirements for DCJ Contract
2. Our organisation has paired SCORE data (at least 6 months)
3. Our organisation has entered Internal and External referrals into DEX
4. Our organisation given permission to share DEX data and DEX reports with Fams
5. Overall, how confident are you in your understanding of data collection, measuring and reporting your TEI contract outcomes? 

Why do you want to be a part of Amplify 2.0 project? Do you have anything you would like to add to support your EOI? 

223 Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst 2010